
Qb sdk find customerlistfilter
Qb sdk find customerlistfilter



IEnumerable lstEmps = from oEmp in lstEmployeeĮxample of Code Employee oEmployee = QB.Create invoices to excel files you have to import process of tpi returns you to format when you can get these adjustments. OEmp.SSN = childNode.SelectSingleNode("SSN").InnerText įunction that return an Employee Object using Linq public static Employee GetEmployeeObject(string sSSN) OEmp.LastName = childNode.SelectSingleNode("LastName").InnerText

qb sdk find customerlistfilter

OEmp.FirstName = childNode.SelectSingleNode("FirstName").InnerText OEmp.Active = childNode.SelectSingleNode("IsActive").InnerText OEmp.EditSequence = childNode.SelectSingleNode("EditSequence").InnerText OEmp.ListID = childNode.SelectSingleNode("ListID").InnerText XmlNodeList parentNode = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("EmployeeRet") įoreach (XmlNode childNode in parentNode) Putting the XML string into a List of Emplpoyee Objects public static List EmployeeXMLtoList() IMsgSetResponse Resp = SessionManager.DoRequests(msgSetReq) SessionManager.BeginSession(frmMain.QBFileName, ENOpenMode.omDontCare) // I have the filename on frmMain SessionManager.BeginSession(string.Empty, ENOpenMode.omDontCare) SessionManager.OpenConnection2("", Application.ProductName, ENConnectionType.ctLocalQBD) ("Your Appln GUID") // Use this to get private data extns for the Appln identified by the GUID ("DataExtRet") //will return non-private and/or private data extension fields depending on the OwnerIDList, belowĮ("0") // required for non-private data extn fields IEmployeeQuery employee = msgSetReq.AppendEmployeeQueryRq() Į("IsActive") Į("ListID") Į("EditSequence") Į("FirstName") Į("LastName") Į("SSN") IMsgSetRequest msgSetReq = SessionManager.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 8, 0) QBSessionManager SessionManager = new QBSessionManager() Getting the Employee data to an XML string public static string EmployeeListXML() If in the meantime someone could just point me in the direction of some useful documentation.that would be great.


Here is a full set of code that might just help someone down the road. Glad to have stumbled on this question as I myself was struggling with the QBFC examples. For custom fields, you also must specify the OwnerID (use 0 for custom fields that are not private to an application) ("DataExtRet") //will return non-private and/or private data extension fields depending on the OwnerIDList, belowĬ("0") // required for non-private data extn fieldsĬ("Your Appln GUID") // Use this to get private data extns for the Appln identified by the GUIDĪdding to Victors, Chili and Hassan's answer. You cannot specify sub-fields (eg, City within an Address block you must get the entire Address block). Only the fields specified in the above list will be returned from QuickBooks - it is very important to use the correct strings in the correct case - no error messages will result if something is wrong. IMsgSetResponse Resp = SessionManager.DoRequests(customerSet) Ĭan anyone fill in the "code to get list of customers here" for me? Thank you very much in advance!Ĭ("IsActive") Ĭ("ListID") Ĭ("EditSequence") Ĭ("Name") Ĭ("ParentRef") SessionManager.BeginSession(string.Empty, ENOpenMode.omDontCare) SessionManager.OpenConnection2("", "New App", ENConnectionType.ctLocalQBD) IMsgSetRequest customerSet = SessionManager.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 8, 0)

qb sdk find customerlistfilter

Here's the code I've got: QBSessionManager SessionManager = new QBSessionManager() To keep things simple, I would like to ask for a code snippet that gives me the list of customers for starters. I've been reading the SDK documentation, but I'm still a little fuzzy on the details because the examples I'm finding are a little too advanced for me at the moment :-P Since I'm brand new to QB programming, I'm trying to peform basic tasks, such as getting a list of customers, then jobs for each customer, then employees. I have been given the painful task of writing a C# application to sync up employee time entries in a separate database with Quickbooks.

Qb sdk find customerlistfilter